Monday, 31 October 2016
Thursday, 7 January 2016
Sejarah Permainan Tenis Meja
Awal Perkembangan Tenis Meja
Sejarah tenis meja sendiri berawal di Inggris, dimulai sebagai hobi sosial di Inggris yang mencuat akhir 1800-an. Meja makan dan bola yang terbuat dari gabus menjadi perangkat pertama yang digunakan. Boleh jadi mereka menyebut permainan itu sebagai gossima, flim-flam, atau ping pong. Ketika abad berganti, permainan itu pun mengalami sejumlah perubahan di Inggris. Belakangan, ada yang memperkenalkan bola seluloid pada permainan itu, sedangkan yang lain menambahkan karet pada bet yang terbuat dari kayu. Tenis meja juga populer di Amerika Serikat (AS) sekitar 1900-an.
Sayang, permainan ini mulai kehilangan popularitas. Tapi secara bersamaan muncul satu gerakan simultan yang dimulai dari sejumlah kawasan di dunia berupaya menghidupkan kembali ping pong sebagai olahraga serius pada 1922. Hasilnya, terbentuklah Internatinalle de Table Tenis Federation (ITTF) yang terdiri atas 140 negara anggota pada 1926. ITTF juga menjadi sponsor individu dan tim yang bermain di kejuaraan dunia yang diselenggarakan dua tahun sekali.
Penyebaran dan Kompetisi Tenis Meja
Olahraga ini pun segera menyebar ke Jepang dan negara Asia lain. Jepang pun mendominasi olahraga tersebut pada 1950-1960-an. Namun, Cina langsung mengejar ketertinggalan. Sekitar 1960-an dan 1970-an, Cina menguasai sendiri tenis meja. Tapi, setelah tenis meja menjadi cabang olahraga yang dilombakan di Olimpiade pada 1980-an, negara lain seperti Swedia dan Korea Selatan turut masuk dalam jajaran papan atas dunia.
Istilah Ping Pong
Istilah kata ping pong merupakan nama resmi dari tenis meja untuk Republik Rakyat Cina, namun di Indonesia juga tidak asing lagi dengan istilah ping pong. Permainan ping pong sama dengan permainan badminton yaitu menggunakan raket, namun raket bola ping pong terbuat dari papan dan dilapisi dengan karet atau sering disebut bat (baca bet). Sejarah tenis meja masuk ke asia melalui Republik Rakyat Cina, Jepang dan Korea. Negara-negara tersebut merupakan pelopor perkembangan tenis meja di Asia. Sedangkan sejarah tenis meja di Indonesia baru dikenal pada tahun 1930. Pada masa itu hanya dilakukan di balai-balai pertemuan orang-orang Belanda sebagi suatu permainan rekreasi. Pada tahun 1939 sebelum perang dunia ke II para tokoh petinis meja indonesia mendirikan PPPSI (Persatuan Ping Pong Seluruh Indonesia). Dan sejak itu, Perkembangan tenis meja di Indonesia hingga sekarang bisa dikatakan cukup pesat.
Permainan tenis meja masuk Asia Selatan ,India setelah tahun 1910. Namun usaha-usaha terorganisir untuk memperkokoh kepentingan tenis meja baru berakar pada waktu diselenggarakannya kejuaraan dunia di Bombay pada bulan Februari 1952. Negara-negara Asia sebagai peserta di dalam kejuaraan dunia tersebut memutuskan untuk membentuk federasi tenis meja asia yang dalam bahasa inggris lebih dikenal dangan The Table Tennis Federation of Asia(TTFA).
Perkembangan Tenis Meja di Indonesia
Permainan tenis meja di Indonesia baru dikenal pada tahun 1930. Pada masa itu hanya dilakukan di balai-balai pertemuan orang-orang Belanda sebagi suatu permainan rekreasi.Hanya golongan tertentu saja dari golongan pribumi yang boleh ikut latihan, antara lain keluarga pamong yang menjadi anggota dari balai pertemuan tersebut.Sebelum perang dunia ke II pecah, tepatnya tahun 1939, tokoh-tokoh pertenismejaan mendirikan PPPSI (Persatuan Ping Pong Seluruh Indonesia).Pada tahun 1958 dalam kongresnya di Surakarta PPPSI mengalami perubahan nama menjadi PTMSI (Persatuan Tenis Meja Seluruh Indonesia).
Tahun 1960 PTMSI telah menjadi anggota federasi tenis meja Asia, yaitu TTFA (Table Tennis Federation of Asia).Perkembangan tenis meja di Indonesia sejak berdirinya PPPSI hingga sekarang bisa dikatakan cukup pesati. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari banyaknya perkumpulan-perkumpulan tenis meja yang berdiri, serta banyaknya pertandingan tenis meja yang dilakukan, misalnya dalam arena : PORDA, PON, POMDA, POSENI di tingkat SD, SLTP, SLTA serta pertandingan-pertandingan yang diselenggarakan oleh perkumpulan-perkumpulan tenis meja, instansi pemerintah atau swasta atau karang taruna dll.
Indonesia selalu di undang dalam kejuaraan-kejuaraan dunia resmi setelah Indonesia terdaftar sebagai anggota ITTF pada tahun 1961.Selain kegiatan-kegiatan pertandingan tersebut, hal lain yang patut dicatat dalam perkembangan tenis meja nasional adalah berdirinya Silatama (Sirkuit Laga Tenis Meja Utama) yang dimulai pada awal tahun 1983, yang diiselenggarakan setiap 3 bulan sekali serta Silataruna yang kegiatannya dimulai sejak 1986 setiap 6 bulan sekali.
Tourism Indonesia Culture-Based
JAKARTA, in a sustainable tourism development to be one of the highlighted subject in the event of the International Conference on Sutainable Development (ICSD) 2015. The 2015 is a series of activities ICSD welcomed APEC will also be held in Bali in October.
"Growth is important also sustainable. How to talk about infrastructure, that in our example the ease of visa," said Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Mari Elka Pangestu in Sapta Pesona Building, Jakarta, Wednesday (04/09/2015) ,
The theme refers to the growth of tourism development which will be discussed at the conference, said Mari, lead to "Tri Hita Karana" which is how development to keep pace with life, between man and man, man and nature and man and the Creator.
"Implicitly Indonesia already has local wisdom. From the first we've got local knowledge in sustainable development," said Mari.
Local wisdom has been seen at the venue of the activity that is in Bali. Former Tourism Minister I Gede Ardika on the same occasion said that almost all aspects of development in Bali has been referred to the Tri Hita Karana.
"But it's not just specific Bali Indonesia alone but we are familiar with local wisdom," said Ardika.
Festival opening Erau in tenggarong, East Kalimantan, on Saturday (06/29/2015).
Growth refers to the development of tourism, according to Ardika, is a growth-based culture, society, and responsible and sustainable.
"Our tourism base culture. Culture is not only meant dance dancing or performing it. But it also values the basic philosophy of life Indonesia. Tata was at the core values," added Ardika.
International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD) 2015 was held in Nusa Dua, Bali, 5-6 October 2015. The event will discuss sustainable development in the Asia Pacific region. One of the sectors discussed conferences attended by top officials of the country is tourism.
The dancers Adi Merdangga of Gianyar enliven the event Construction Foundation Project Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) at Bukit Ungasan, Bali, on Friday (08/23/2015). The plan, in the next three years in that place stands a monument that has a height of 126 meters and width of 64 meters.
Ethnic and cultural diversity of the area is a concrete manifestation of the motto Unity in Diversity. Therefore, shall be preserved so as to reflect a sense of national unity.
A. Unity
1. Meaning Unity in Diversity
"Unity in Diversity" means that although different tribes, customs, culture and language of the region, but still one that is Indonesia. Unity in Diversity tungal Sutasoma taken from the book written by Professor Tantular. A poet in the reign of Majapahit. Full sentence is "Unity in Diversity Tan Hana Dharma Mangrwa". That is, although different but still one nevertheless it is because there is no religion whose purpose is different. Harmonious life and developing nations created long ago.
2. Unity and Integrity
Ethnic and cultural diversity is a strength. It is not inherent in statehood. History has proven the unity of the nation, was able to repel the invaders. When the people of Indonesia have failed. Because we are not united. At that time we still crumbled. The situation is causing a struggle is easy to be broken.
B. Variety Ethnicity and Culture
1. Ethnicity
a. Tribal Java
Javanese spread across Indonesia. However, they occupy their original region of Central Java, IN Yogyakarta and East Java. The language they use is the Java language. Population living farming. Typical skills they have, namely batik, weaving and sculpting. Java community has a smooth tact. They are hard workers and respect for ancestral traditions.
b. Ethnicity Sundanese
Sundanese we meet in West Java and its surroundings. They use the language. Sundanese is similar to the Java language. Sunda has a famous literary works. Among them is the story rhymes, stories about heroism in the Sunda. Sundanese people generally work as farmers. It also gardening. Crop that produced a lot, namely tea and vegetables.
c. Tribe Batak
This tribe occupies an area of North Sumatra. Sukhttps: // Post_type = pageu Batak nation composed of various groups. Among these Batak Karo, Mandailaing, Toba, Angkola, and Simelungun. Batak community life of farming and animal husbandry.
d. Dayak Tribe
Dayak tribes occupying the area of Central Kalimantan. The language they use is the Dayak language and language Nguju. Dayak community life of farming, hunting in the forest, and fishing. In addition, mothers at home working on wicker. Although we are distinguished by ethnicity. However, the unity must still be upheld. This is because we are one nation, the nation of Indonesia. To know the various ethnic groups that exist in Indonesia, note the following table.
Ethnic Groups in Indonesia by Province
1. Aceh: Aceh, Gayo, Tamiang, Alas, and Simeulue
2. North Sumatra: BatakToba, Batak Karo Batak Mandailing, Nias, and Simelungun
3. West Sumatra: Minangkabau, Cape Koto, Panyalai, and Mentawai
4. Lists: Sakai, Forest, Malay, Bunai, Kubu, and Akit
5. Jambi: Kerinci, Malay, prince, Batin, Kubu
6. Bengkulu: Enggano, Rejang Lebong, Gumai, Kur, and Serawi
7. South Sumatra: Ogan, Palembang, Sameda, Ranau, and Ogan
8. Bangka Belitung: Bangka, Belitung, and Mendanau
9. Lampung: Rawas, Malay, Semendo, Pubian, and Abung
10. Bantam: Bedouin
11. West Java: Sundanese
12. Jakarta: Betawi
13. Central Java: Java, Samin, and Karimun
14. DI Yogyakarta: Java
15. East Java: Madura, Java, Osing, and Tengger
16. West Kalimantan: Dayak Ngaju, Murut, Puanan, and Apokayan
17. East Kalimantan: Bulungan, Tidung, Abai, and Kayan
18. South Kalimantan: Banjar Hulu, and Banjar Kuala
19. Central Kalimantan: Ngaju, Lawang, Hamlet, and Bukupai
20. North Sulawesi: Sangir Talaud, Minahasa, and Bantik
21. Gorontalo: Gorontalo
22. Central Sulawesi: Mori, Banggai, cauldron, Kaali, and Balatar
23. Southeast Sulawesi: Muna, Buton, Wolia, and Balatar
24. South Sulawesi: Bone, Bugis, Toraja, Makassar, and Selayar
25. Bali: Bali
26. NTB: Sasak, Bima, Dongo, Sumbawa, and Dompu
27. NTT: Flores, Sumba, Sabu, Rote and Timor
28. Maluku: Ambon, Ali Furu, Faru, Aru, and Togite
29. Maluku: North Obi, and Ternate
30. Papua: Dani, Asmat, Sentani, Mooi, Kaure Dera, Manen, Morwap, and Molof
2. Local Culture
a. Traditional clothes
Traditional clothes worn on special occasions. One of them a wedding, ceremonies, and so on. Some examples of custom clothing from the provinces in Indonesia, namely:
1) Central Java: • Headgear man blangkon
• Shirts women kebaya
• Clothes man beskap.
2) West Sumatra: Clothes bay belango and saluak.
3) Riau: Clothes headband.
4) South Kalimantan: shirt vest and headband.
Note the picture below.
Traditional clothing, North Sumatra
Traditional clothing, South Kalimantan
Traditional clothing, Central Java
Traditional clothing, West Sumatra
b. Custom home
Traditional House name in Indonesia
1. Asmat : Honai
2. Batak : Jabu Persantian
3. Dayak : Lamin
4. Java : Joglo
5. Minang kabau : Tower
6. Toraja : Tongkonan
The traditional house Minangkabau
The traditional house of Dayak
Each region has a regional dances. The dance reflects the characteristic of the area. Regional dances performed at ceremonies and welcomed the guest of honor. In addition, to attract domestic and foreign tourists.
Regional dances in Indonesia
1. Aceh: Seudati
2. Betawi: Yapong
3. Bali: Pendet
4. Java: Gambyong
5. Minahasa: Maengket
Aceh: Seudati
Bali: Pendet
In addition to dance, there are also folk songs. Folk songs part of the local arts. Each area has a local songs. The song usually show regional characteristics. Moreover, it also has a musical instrument area
Song name Regions in Indonesia
1. Aceh: Bungong JEUMPA
2. Betawi: Jali-jali
3. Bali: Janger
4. Malay: Soleram
5. Minangkabau: Rowing Palinggam
d. Traditional musical instruments
Traditional musical instruments are very diverse. Useful musical instrument to accompany the song and dance. In addition, the instrument also to entertain.
Names in Indonesian Traditional Musical Instruments
1. Bonang: Java
2. cengceng: Bali
3. Lute: Jambi
4. Kolintang: Sulawesi
5. Sasando: Maluku
6. Tifa: Papua
3. Valuing Diversity
How to appreciate the diversity of which is
a. Glad to learn the culture of other regions.
b. Likes to see a show or stage cultural areas.
c. Do not underestimate the culture of other regions.
d. Avoid regionalism attitude.
e. Respect the local culture in a positive way.
f. Not degrading the culture of other regions.
15 locations in Bali Tourism
1. Kuta Beach
Kuta Beach is a tourist place in Bali's most famous and most visited by tourists because of its location close to the airport, beautiful beaches, low cost, and the waves are perfect for novice surfers. Kuta beach is also famous for the panoramic sun sinking very beautiful. Unique facts of Kuta Beach Kuta Beach was before becoming a tourist spot in Bali that must be visited, as now, Kuta Beach is a major port, a trading center in Bali. With white sand and blue sea, is equipped with a very complete supporting facilities, is a prime tourist spot Kuta Beach Bali.
2. Pura Tanah Lot
Pura Tanah Lot is one of the tourist spots in Bali which is famous for its beauty, especially at sunset. Pura Tanah Lot consisting of two pieces of the temple is a temple where worship the god of the sea. The uniqueness of Pura Tanah Lot is the temple is located on top of a large rock on the seafront. At the time of high tide, you can not get closer to Pura Tanah Lot as a buffer around the rock of Tanah Lot sea will be flooded. At low tide you can see some sea snakes tame which according to the locals is a guard Pura Tanah Lot. Moreover, in this location you can also hold sacred snake docile and harmless.
3. Padang beach
Padang Padang beach may be less well known than the Kuta beach, but the beach of Padang Padang beach is very beautiful and unique. At the time I first came to Padang Padang Beach also I think that this beach is the beach is not attractive because it is less well known, but apparently I was wrong. Padang Padang beach is a small beach hidden behind a cliff in the area of Pecatu, near Uluwatu. To be able to reach Padang Padang Beach, you must pass through a staircase that divides the cliff. Padang Padang beach is not large and spacious, but very beautiful and interesting place to visit. Most visitors Padang Padang Beach is foreign travelers as Padang Padang Beach less famous among tourists in the country.
4. Bedugul Bratan Lake
Bedugul Bratan Lake is a lake located in a mountainous area with beautiful natural atmosphere. The uniqueness of Lake Bratan Bedugul is the existence of the temple named Ulun Danu. Ulun Danu Beratan located on the edge of Lake Bedugul and is one of the main attractions of Lake Bratan Bedugul. In addition, tourists can also enjoy a game of water and rent a boat on Lake Bratan Bedugul.
5. Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK)
Garuda Wisnu Kencana, or commonly abbreviated GWK is a cultural tourist park located in South Bali. Garuda Wisnu Kencana is a huge sculpture works of I Nyoman Nuarta. Currently, Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue has not been fully completed, only some of which have been completed, but even so you can still enjoy the splendor of the Garuda Wisnu Kencana. In addition to the statue, you can also see the beauty of the limestone hill is cut into large blocks of limestone. This limestone blocks will be filled with sculpture. Additionally in the Garuda Wisnu Kencana also include theater arts, you can enjoy various types of dance and Balinese arts in this theater every day.
6. Lovina beach
Lovina beach may not be too often heard among tourists. Lovina Beach is one of the tourist spots in Bali is my favorite because of Lovina we can see dolphins swimming and jumping in their natural habitat. Located in Northern Bali near Singaraja City, you will go to sea and see the dolphins using fishing boats. Lovina Beach Dolphins playing on the beach in the morning, therefore tourists are usually set off from the coast starting at 6 am.
7. Besakih temple
Besakih temple is a temple located at the foot of Mount Agung, and is the largest temple in Bali. In Besakih Hindu religious ceremonies are often held as Besakih believed to be a sacred place, and is the mother of all temples in Bali. Besakih is built with the concept of the balance of God, man, and nature or often referred to as the Tri Hita Karana. To be able to enter the area Besakih, you should use gloves that can be borrowed in the vicinity of Besakih.
8. Pura Uluwatu
Uluwatu is one of the tourist spots in Bali which is above a cliff jutting into the sea. Uluwatu Temple not only offers Balinese religious atmosphere, but also offers a panorama of beauty, especially the beauty of the sinking sun is already very well known. In Uluwatu you will meet with a number of monkeys that are believed to function maintain the sanctity of Uluwatu. To enter the area of Uluwatu, you should use gloves and a scarf is a symbol of respect for the sanctity of Uluwatu.
9. Jimbaran Beach
Jimbaran Beach is one of the tourist spots in Bali's most famous. By the time you come to Jimbaran Beach, the first time you will see is a row of tables and chairs on the white sand beautiful. Jimbaran beach famous for culinary edge of the beach, especially sea dishes. Jimbaran beach for those of you who want to travel to the beach while enjoying Balinese culinary. No need to worry about eating at Jimbaran Beach because the waves at Jimbaran Beach is very quiet, did not jeopardize those of you who were eating on the beach.
10. Sangeh
Sangeh is a tourist place in Bali that will bring you one with nature. Located in Ubud, Bali, Sangeh is a forest inhabited by many wild monkeys. These monkeys are considered sacred by the locals so that should not be disturbed and allowed to live in the woods Sangeh. Monkeys in Sangeh really liked the food, they will try to get the food you take, even if the food is in your bag. In this place you will witness the lives of hundreds of monkeys that are unique and interesting.
11. Tanjung Benoa
Tanjung Benoa bordering Nusa Dua, Bali is the center of water sports activities and games in Bali. Characteristics of Tanjung Benoa beach is very quiet, so it is suitable for various kinds of exciting water games. Types of water games that you can play here, namely snorkel, sea walker, banana boat, parasailing, wakeboard, waterski, jetski, scuba diving, donut boat, flying fish, and others. In addition you can also go see a giant turtle in the turtle island by boat from Tanjung Benoa.
12. Lake Batur Kintamani
Lake Batur Kintamani is one of Bali's natural charm. Located on the second highest mountain in Bali, Lake Batur Kintamani has cool weather and spectacular scenery. Kintamani Batur Lake is the largest lake in Bali which is much visited by tourists because it offers a view like no other in Bali.
13. Tari Kecak Uluwatu
Kecak is a Balinese dance the most famous and most interesting to see. Of the many places that show drag Kecak, I think the most interesting is the Kecak Uluwatu located at Uluwatu. Kecak Uluwatu Kecak Balinese demonstrates against the background of sunset at Uluwatu very beautiful. Kecak Uluwatu very popular and crowded therefore if you want to watch the show Kecak Uluwatu, I suggest to the message from the distant days.
14. Telaga Waja River Rafting
Telaga Waja River Rafting is suitable for those who love fun and challenging activities. Telaga Waja River has a clear and clean water and rapids that challenge. At the end of the rafting you will skip a sluice, very exciting. When finished enjoy Rafting Telaga Waja River, you will get a bonus in the form of trekking up the mountain, therefore, prepare yourself and rest enough because Telaga Waja River Rafting will drain your energy.
15. Ayung River Rafting
Ayung River Rafting has different characteristics in Telaga Waja River Rafting. If the Telaga Waja River Rafting offers a challenge, then the Ayung River Rafting offers beauty. Panorama along the Ayung River is very beautiful, coupled with carvings on the river bank, and the green of the trees around the river complement the beauty of the Ayung River Rafting.
Sunday, 3 January 2016
Hubungan Tinggi Badan Ideal Dengan Keterampilan Bermain Sepak Bola
Pengumpulan Data
Sebelum penelitian dilaksanakan terlebih dahulu
penulis mempersiapkan segala sesuatu yang diperlukan atau menyangkut dengan
kelancaran penelitian. Setelah tersedianya alat dan perlengkapan yang lengkap,
kemudian diberikan pengarahan secara umum kepada panitia pelaksanaan tentang
proses pelaksanaan penelitian dan selanjutnya pengarahan ditujukan kepada
sampel sehingga dalam melakukan tes dapat dengan mudah melakukannya atau tanpa
mengalami hambatan. Bila segala hal tersebut diatas telah dilaksanakan dengan
baik maka tingkat reabilitas dan objektivitas dapat diperoleh dengan baik pula.
Tes Sepak dan Tahan bola ( Passing dan
Stopping )
Tes ini bertujuan untuk mengukur
keterampilan dasar menyepak dan menahan bola. Berikut pelaksannaan tesnya :
a. Testee
berdiri di depan sasaran/papan dengan posisi kaki kanan atau kiri siap menembak
sesuai dengan kebiasaan pemain.
b. Pada
aba-aba “Ya” testee mulai menyepak bola kesasaran, pantulannya ditahan kembali
dengan kaki belakang garis tembak. Selanjutnya dengan kaki yang berbeda bola
disepak ke arah berlawanan dengan sepakan pertama.
c. Lakukan
tugas ini secara bergantian antara kaki kiri dan kaki kanan selama 30 detik.
d. Apabila
bola keluar dari daerah sepak, maka testee menggunakan bola cadangan yang telah
Berikut cara menskor :
menyepak dan menahan bola secara sah, selama 30 detik. Hitungan 1, diperoleh dari 1 kali
kegiatan menendang dan menahan bola.
Tes memainkan Bola dengan kepala (
Tes ini bertujuan untuk mengukur
keterampilan dasar menyundul dan mengontrol bola dengan kepala. Berikut pelaksanaan
tesnya :
a. Pada
aba-aba “siap” testee berdiri bebas dengan bola berbeda dalam penguasaan
b. Pada
aba-aba “Ya” testee melempar bola keatas kepalanya dan kemudian memainkan bola
tersebut dengan bagian dahinya.
c. Lakukan
tugas gerak ini di tempat selama 30 detik.
d. Apabila
bola tersebut jatuh, maka testee mengambil bola itu dan memainkannya kembali
ditempat bola tersebut di ambil.
Cara menskor :
adalah jumlah bola yang dimainkan dengan dahi yang sah ( benar ), selama 30
3. Tes menggiring bola ( dribbling)
ini bertujun untuk mengukur keterampilan menggiring bola dengan kaki dengan
cepat disertai perubahan arah. Berikut pelaksanaan tesnya :
a. Pada aba-aba “siap” testee berdiri dibelakang
garis star dengan bola dalam pengawasan kakinya.
Pada aba-aba “Ya” testee mulai menggiring bola ke arah kiri melewati rintangan
pertama dan berikutnya menuju rintangan berikutnya sesuai dengan arah panah
yang telah ditetapkan sampai ia melewati garis finish.
Bila salah arah dalam menggiring bola, ia harus memperbaikinya tanpa
menggunakan anggota badan selain kaki di tempat kesalahan terjadi dan selama
itu pula stopwatch tetap berjalan.
Bola digiring oleh kaki kanan dan kaki kiri secara bergantian, atau paling
tidak salah satu kaki pernah menyentuh bola satu kali sentuhan.
Cara menskor :
Waktu yang ditempuh oleh testee dari
mulai aba-aba “Ya” sampai ia melewati garis finish. Waktu dicatat sampai
persepuluh detik.
Tes menembak bola ke sasaran (Shooting)
Tes ini bertujuan untuk mengukur
keterampilan menembak bola yang cepat dan tepat kearah sasaran gantung. Berikut
pelaksanaan tesnya :
a. Testee
berdiri dibelakang bola yang diletakkan pada sebuah titik berjarak 16,5 meter
di depan gawang.
Tidak ada aba-aba dari testee.
Pada saat kaki testee mulai menendang
bola, maka stopwatch dijalankan dan berhenti saat bola mengenai sasaran.
Testee diberi 3 kali kesempatan.
Cara menskor :
Jumlah skor dan waktu yang ditempuh bola
pada sasaran dalam 3 kali kesempatan.
Bila bola hasil tendangan mengenai tali
atau garis pemisah skor pada sasaran, maka diambil skor terbesar dari kedua
sasaran tersebut.
Table 1.1 Pelaksanaan Tes Keterampilan Sepak Bola
Tes menembak dan mehentikan
30 detik
1 kali
Jumlah menyepak dan menahan
bola secara sah
Tes memainkan bola dengan
30 detik
1 kali
Jumlah bola yang dimainkan
dengan dahi
Tes menggiring bola
1 kali
Waktu yang ditempuh
Tes menembak bola ke sasaran
3 kali
Jumlah skor dan waktu yang
Tes Indeks Massa Tubuh
Badan Ideal = 90 % x ( Tinggi Badan – 100 )
Badan Max = 120 % X ( Tinggi Badan – 100 )
Badan Min = 80 % X ( Tinggi Badan – 100 )
= BB Kg / ( TB )²m
IMT = Indeks Massa Tubuh ( Kg/m )
BB = Berat Badan ( Kg )
TB = Tinggi Badan ( Cm )
( Gambar : Intimedikastore )
Tabel Ketentuan IMT
29 kg/m
( Sumber :
Wahjoedi, 2000:57 )
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