Thursday 7 January 2016


Ethnic and cultural diversity of the area is a concrete manifestation of the motto Unity in Diversity. Therefore, shall be preserved so as to reflect a sense of national unity.

A. Unity
1. Meaning Unity in Diversity
"Unity in Diversity" means that although different tribes, customs, culture and language of the region, but still one that is Indonesia. Unity in Diversity tungal Sutasoma taken from the book written by Professor Tantular. A poet in the reign of Majapahit. Full sentence is "Unity in Diversity Tan Hana Dharma Mangrwa". That is, although different but still one nevertheless it is because there is no religion whose purpose is different. Harmonious life and developing nations created long ago.

2. Unity and Integrity
Ethnic and cultural diversity is a strength. It is not inherent in statehood. History has proven the unity of the nation, was able to repel the invaders. When the people of Indonesia have failed. Because we are not united. At that time we still crumbled. The situation is causing a struggle is easy to be broken.

B. Variety Ethnicity and Culture
1. Ethnicity
a. Tribal Java
Javanese spread across Indonesia. However, they occupy their original region of Central Java, IN Yogyakarta and East Java. The language they use is the Java language. Population living farming. Typical skills they have, namely batik, weaving and sculpting. Java community has a smooth tact. They are hard workers and respect for ancestral traditions.
b. Ethnicity Sundanese
Sundanese we meet in West Java and its surroundings. They use the language. Sundanese is similar to the Java language. Sunda has a famous literary works. Among them is the story rhymes, stories about heroism in the Sunda. Sundanese people generally work as farmers. It also gardening. Crop that produced a lot, namely tea and vegetables.
c. Tribe Batak
This tribe occupies an area of ​​North Sumatra. Sukhttps: // Post_type = pageu Batak nation composed of various groups. Among these Batak Karo, Mandailaing, Toba, Angkola, and Simelungun. Batak community life of farming and animal husbandry.
d. Dayak Tribe
Dayak tribes occupying the area of ​​Central Kalimantan. The language they use is the Dayak language and language Nguju. Dayak community life of farming, hunting in the forest, and fishing. In addition, mothers at home working on wicker. Although we are distinguished by ethnicity. However, the unity must still be upheld. This is because we are one nation, the nation of Indonesia. To know the various ethnic groups that exist in Indonesia, note the following table.

Ethnic Groups in Indonesia by Province
1. Aceh: Aceh, Gayo, Tamiang, Alas, and Simeulue
2. North Sumatra: BatakToba, Batak Karo Batak Mandailing, Nias, and Simelungun
3. West Sumatra: Minangkabau, Cape Koto, Panyalai, and Mentawai
4. Lists: Sakai, Forest, Malay, Bunai, Kubu, and Akit
5. Jambi: Kerinci, Malay, prince, Batin, Kubu
6. Bengkulu: Enggano, Rejang Lebong, Gumai, Kur, and Serawi
7. South Sumatra: Ogan, Palembang, Sameda, Ranau, and Ogan
8. Bangka Belitung: Bangka, Belitung, and Mendanau
9. Lampung: Rawas, Malay, Semendo, Pubian, and Abung
10. Bantam: Bedouin
11. West Java: Sundanese
12. Jakarta: Betawi
13. Central Java: Java, Samin, and Karimun
14. DI Yogyakarta: Java
15. East Java: Madura, Java, Osing, and Tengger
16. West Kalimantan: Dayak Ngaju, Murut, Puanan, and Apokayan
17. East Kalimantan: Bulungan, Tidung, Abai, and Kayan
18. South Kalimantan: Banjar Hulu, and Banjar Kuala
19. Central Kalimantan: Ngaju, Lawang, Hamlet, and Bukupai
20. North Sulawesi: Sangir Talaud, Minahasa, and Bantik
21. Gorontalo: Gorontalo
22. Central Sulawesi: Mori, Banggai, cauldron, Kaali, and Balatar
23. Southeast Sulawesi: Muna, Buton, Wolia, and Balatar
24. South Sulawesi: Bone, Bugis, Toraja, Makassar, and Selayar
25. Bali: Bali
26. NTB: Sasak, Bima, Dongo, Sumbawa, and Dompu
27. NTT: Flores, Sumba, Sabu, Rote and Timor
28. Maluku: Ambon, Ali Furu, Faru, Aru, and Togite
29. Maluku: North Obi, and Ternate
30. Papua: Dani, Asmat, Sentani, Mooi, Kaure Dera, Manen, Morwap, and Molof

2. Local Culture
a. Traditional clothes
Traditional clothes worn on special occasions. One of them a wedding, ceremonies, and so on. Some examples of custom clothing from the provinces in Indonesia, namely:
1) Central Java: • Headgear man blangkon
• Shirts women kebaya
• Clothes man beskap.
2) West Sumatra: Clothes bay belango and saluak.
3) Riau: Clothes headband.
4) South Kalimantan: shirt vest and headband.

Note the picture below.

 Traditional clothing, North Sumatra

  Traditional clothing, South Kalimantan

  Traditional clothing, Central Java

 Traditional clothing, West Sumatra

b. Custom home
Traditional House name in Indonesia
1. Asmat  : Honai
2. Batak   : Jabu Persantian
3. Dayak  : Lamin
4. Java      : Joglo
5. Minang kabau : Tower
6. Toraja   : Tongkonan

 The traditional house Minangkabau
The traditional house of Dayak

c. Dance and song
Each region has a regional dances. The dance reflects the characteristic of the area. Regional dances performed at ceremonies and welcomed the guest of honor. In addition, to attract domestic and foreign tourists.

Regional dances in Indonesia
1. Aceh: Seudati
2. Betawi: Yapong
3. Bali: Pendet
4. Java: Gambyong
5. Minahasa: Maengket
Aceh: Seudati

Bali: Pendet

In addition to dance, there are also folk songs. Folk songs part of the local arts. Each area has a local songs. The song usually show regional characteristics. Moreover, it also has a musical instrument area

Song name Regions in Indonesia
1. Aceh: Bungong JEUMPA
2. Betawi: Jali-jali
3. Bali: Janger
4. Malay: Soleram
5. Minangkabau: Rowing Palinggam

d. Traditional musical instruments
Traditional musical instruments are very diverse. Useful musical instrument to accompany the song and dance. In addition, the instrument also to entertain.

Names in Indonesian Traditional Musical Instruments
1. Bonang: Java
2. cengceng: Bali
3. Lute: Jambi
4. Kolintang: Sulawesi
5. Sasando: Maluku
6. Tifa: Papua

3. Valuing Diversity
How to appreciate the diversity of which is
a. Glad to learn the culture of other regions.
b. Likes to see a show or stage cultural areas.
c. Do not underestimate the culture of other regions.
d. Avoid regionalism attitude.
e. Respect the local culture in a positive way.
f. Not degrading the culture of other regions.

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